Sing App Vue Laravel Template

Vue.js admin dashboard template made with Laravel backend

Sing App Vue Laravel Template

Sing App Vue Laravel Template is a web application template made with Vuejs and Laravel PHP framework. We used Vue 2.5, Vue Router and Laravel 8 when building this PHP template. Additionally we have added best Vue libraries including Vue Draggable, V-calendar, Vee-validate to make Sing App Vue a complete web application. SASS preprocessor allows you to change the style by using and updating variables and mixins. Also we use Vuex for better state management.

Sing App Vue Laravel Template is great for building any type of Vue application: BI app, laravel admin panel, any SaaS app, CRM or Appointment System. Sing App Vue Laravel Template comes with many reusable components, user management, complete working CRUD applications, three color themes and dark modes, and customizable layouts.

Packages used by this project




JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen